Do you want to automatically post new Instagram photos to your WordPress site? There are lots of people who post their Instagram pictures on WordPress. But what if you want to go the other way? Going from WordPress to Instagram is maybe something you want to do, not only to increase your blog’s reach and get more life out of your content, but also to expand your social radius and the content you provide your followers on a totally different platform.And there are a lot of plugins that let you incorporate your feed into your blog.
WordPress to Instagram? Really?
Yes, really. You might be thinking this is an odd move because WordPress is a blogging platform and Instagram is a photo sharing social network.
If you have just started on Instagram, then you may find it a bit slow to get followers. You need social proof to build traction.
Best Plugin Automatically Instagram post Feed Show.
Instagram Gallery You Can Easy Connect user Details.
This method is for users who want to create a new blog post displaying their latest Instagram photo.
First thing you need to do is install and activate the Instagram Feed plugin. For more details, see our step by step guide on how to install a WordPress plugin.
You can easy connect your user id and show in shotcode in apply all can customize feed limit and slider type in show home page and particular page apply short-code galley. Hope you can easy understanding my post.