How to Track Link Clicks and Button Clicks in WordPress

There are several ways to track link clicks and button clicks in WordPress, but one easy way is to use Google Analytics. Here’s how you can set it up: 1. Sign up for a Google Analytics account if you don’t already have one. 2. Create a new property for your WordPress site in your Google … Read more

How to use Two Loops to Output Your First Blog Post Differently

WordPress loop being able to edit the WordPress Loop gives you lots of control over the design and content of your WordPress site are different layout. First blog post layout full-width image and content and second right sidebar four blog post column four layout in offset using in WordPress. add_shortcode( ‘blog_post_first’, ‘rmcc_post_listing_shortcode5’ );function rmcc_post_listing_shortcode5( $atts … Read more

WordPress latest version 5.2.3 Security and Maintenance Release

WordPress 5.2.3 is now available! you can update your site. This security and maintenance release features 29 fixes and enhancements. Plus, it adds a number of security fixing the list below. If you haven’t yet updated to 5.2, there are also updated versions of 5.0 and earlier that fix the bugs for you. These bugs … Read more

How To Fix “The Link You Followed Has Expired” Error in WordPress

The “link you followed has expired” is a common error that occurs when trying to upload themes and plugins via the WordPress dashboard. In this article, we will show you how to easily fix ‘the link you have followed has expired’ error in WordPress.The best way to fix the issue is to increase the default … Read more

How to Automatically Post New Instagram Photos to WordPress

Do you want to automatically post new Instagram photos to your WordPress site?  There are lots of people who post their Instagram pictures on WordPress. But what if you want to go the other way? Going from WordPress to Instagram is maybe something you want to do, not only to increase your blog’s reach and … Read more

WordPress 5.2.1 Maintenance Release

WordPress 5.2.1 is now available! This maintenance release fixes 33 bugs, including improvements to the block editor, accessibility, internationalization, and the Site Health feature introduced in 5.2. You can browse the full list of changes on Trac. WordPress 5.2.1 is a short-cycle maintenance release. Version 5.2.2 is expected to follow in approximately two weeks. You can download WordPress 5.2.1 or visit Dashboard → … Read more

What’s New in WordPress 5.2 (Features and Screenshots)

WordPress 5.2 is expected to be released 7th may 2019. Our team have tested the beta version and we would like to share you about the new features and experience in this article. Although version 5.2 is still under active development, the WordPress Core Team recently released WordPress 5.2 Beta 1 with a host of … Read more

Why You Can’t Find .htaccess File on Your WordPress Site file

The .htaccess file is not exclusive to WordPress.important htacess file in site run on apche server. In today’s WordPress tutorial, we Aim to rectify that, by explaining what WordPress .htaccess file is, what it does, and show you how to create it. What is the .htaccess file? The .htaccess file is a server configuration file … Read more