How to Reset your WordPress Admin Password (Step by step solution)

WordPress have the many ways to reset your password. In this tutorial, we will show you some different ways to channge the wordpress password to cover every possible phase.


Reset your wordpress password by the user login screen

One of the most thing you need to do is login to our wordpress site . We can do this by enter our login URL (for example – in our browser.

Once you logged in , go to dashboard  and naigate to the Users > Your Profile  tab.

This section have all information about with your account , from name to user name, email and even profile picture.

In your profile, you need to scroll down to the Account Management  section, where you will see New Password option. Now click on the ‘Generate Password‘ to generate new password.

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WordPress will automatically create a strong password. You can continue with new generated password or new own password.

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After that , Click on ‘Update Profile’ button to save your new generated password, and see the Profile Updated message on screen.

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Reset WordPress Password by the Login Screen

Every wordpress website have its own admin login screen.

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If you have lost your password , So you move to Click on the Lost Your Pasword? below the login fields.

Next, wordpress will ask to you enter your user name or email id that associated with your wordpress website account.

Now, click on Get New Password button:

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Once you have click on Get New Password , woprdPress will send an emial to associate with that account. This email show to you ‘Check your email for the confirmation link notification on the login screen.

After that, click on the link password reset email contains, Now new page will open .

Here, you can change your lost password that you want. WordPress will give option to generating strong password which recommend that you use.

Once you use a password you will need to click the Reset Password button. Then you will see confirmation message.

Learning WordPress for Beginners

This process take only few minutes to reset wordpress password, Unless you spent lots of time to coming up with a new password.

If you have any question about how to reset wordpress admin password , using any of the method we also explain . Now talk about them in comment section.

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