Post revision in wordpress : A step by step solution

In this tutorial, i will show to you easily undo changes in wordpress with post revisions. I will also show you easily manage post revision in wordpress.

But the first think to know for we, What is post revision ?

What is post revision?

Its the main feature in wordpress that allows we to undo changes and go back to an latest version of your post and pages. You know guy’s wordpress stores an auto save every 60 seconds and also replace with older version to with the new auto save.


Why you use Post Revisions

We use for multi-author WordPress sites, Post revisions allow editors to easily manage the work of different or multi authors. By the use of Post Revision you can see who made changes to an artical, what’s changes, and many more.


How wordPress post revision work

In wordpress every time that you save a draft or update a post , WordPress saves a copy of how the post looked at that exact moment as a revision.

In wordpress, you can always go back in post and access that specific revision to view it or restore it to the current version of your post, and also each revision track which user made the changes and when, whuch is helpful for tracking.

In wordPress how to post revision to undo changes

Revisions are connected to another feature like as autosave. Wordprress display the numbr of revision in document panel on the post. You can also access autosave using revision interface. Autosave are marked with red text, though, which makes them out from regular revision.


How to view WordPress post revision

For access revision of your post, look for the revision option under Publish in the wordpress editor. Then, click on Browse link.




How to compare different Post Revision

WordPress also let you know if a revision is an autosave or a draft. You can check the box on top that says ‘Compare any two revisions’ , and then use additional slider option to select the exact revisions to compare.



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