we are add to cart in e-commerce website without reload page use the php simple code. and get id the cart in session that are the send value through cart button with session.
//Get session value $_SESSION['cart']; if(isset($_GET['action']) && $_GET['action']=="add"){ $id=intval($_GET['id']); if(isset($_SESSION['cart'][$id])){ $_SESSION['cart'][$id]['quantity']++; } else{ //Get product id $sql_p="SELECT * FROM products WHERE id={$id}"; $query_p=mysqli_query($con,$sql_p); if(mysqli_num_rows($query_p)!=0){ $row_p=mysqli_fetch_array($query_p); $_SESSION['cart'][$row_p['id']]=array("quantity" =>1, "price" => $row_p['product_price']); header('location:my-cart.php'); }else{ $message="Product ID is invalid"; } } } // Html code add to cart <input class="input-text qty text" type="number" size="4" title="Qty" value="1" name="qty" min="1" step="1" max="5" /> <a href="#emptycart" class="btn btn-primary btn-lg" />add to cart</a>